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Crafting Comfort: A beginners guide to knitting. Ready to get ‘hooked’? Knitting, with its rhythmic repetition and tactile satisfaction, has been a beloved craft for generations. Whether you're a novice or looking to rekindle your love for wool, here's a step-by-step guide on how to knit and create your cosy masterpieces. This is just an initial guide designed to get you started.... CASTING ON: The first step in knitting is to cast the wool onto the needle. This will provide the first row of stitches which is usually the bottom edge of the piece you’re knitting. Loop Knot: To start your first row of stitches you need to make a loop knot (slip knot) on the needle. Make the loop knot about 15 cm from the end of the wool. Insert the needle under the short length of the wool then draw the needle through the loop and tighten the knot. There are several methods used for casting on. Each method will produce a slightly different edge look. Below are three main methods. 1. The Thumb Method - Using One Needle: Place the needle in your right hand and wrap the wool from the ball around your left thumb, holding onto the wool with your left fingers. 2. Twist your left hand so that your thumb is facing you and point your first finger. Place the needle through the loop from front to back. 3. Remove your left thumb whilst pulling the wool down. This will close the loop. Repeat these steps until you have cast on the desired number of stitches. 4.Knitting On Method - Using Two Needles: Place the needle with the loop knot in your left hand. Then place the right hand needle through the loop, under the left hand needle as pictured. (below) Holding the wool from the ball in your right hand, place the wool around the point of the right hand needle and back under the point of the left hand needle - as for knitting. 5. Bring the right hand needle up from under the left hand needle and draw the wool up so there is a loop on the right hand needle. Place the left hand needle through the back of the loop on the right hand needle and remove the right hand needle thus leaving two loops on the left hand needle. Repeat these steps until you have cast on the desired number of stitches. Knitting is far more than a craft; it is a sensory pleasure. The gentle click of needles and the vibrant transformation of coloured wool thread into a warm item of hand made clothing. This is but a brief glimpse into knitting. Patience and a degree of perseverance are both parts of the knitting tool-kit. See online for endless guidance, techniques, patterns and free content. 13 Raring2go! CRAFT COMFORT