AN UPDATE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER (OPCC) Here at Beds OPCC, it never ceases to amaze us how our young people proactively educate themselves on staying safe and are informed on risks and consequences of making poor decisions. Young people across our county are faced with pressures and social expectations that we as adults never had to experience in our younger years. With that said, over the coming months we will start to begin planning for our third Youth Conference taking place next summer, aimed at high school students. Our Youth Conferences give young people the opportunity to be part of the solution in reducing crime in Bedfordshire. We’d love to get parents involved in the planning and get your thoughts – we’ll give you more info over the coming months. Finally, our next annual Schools’ Debate competition event is planned for the new year. Taking part in these parliamentary-style debates gives our young people invaluable life skills and confidence, testing their public speaking and analytical skills as well as their ability to make an argument. The last two competitions were so inspiring – all schools in Beds are invited so if you have any children in high school, we would love for you to encourage them to take part. Look out for more on this on our website soon