Raring2go! Bedford & Biggleswade

raring2go.co.uk 13 Raring2go! EDUCATION SprIngfIeld PrImary School Springfield Primary School Orchard Street, Kempston MK42 7LJ 01234 306000 www.springfieldprimaryschool.org.uk @SpringfieldBeds BEDFORD BOROUGH SANTA CHALLENGE WINNERS 2023! YOUNG VOICES 2023 2 2 In March we took over 100 KS2 children to Wembley Arena to perform at Young Voices 2023. The children were very excited about this annual trip and sang as part of the massed schools' choir with brilliant enthusiasm. Performing alongside professional musicians and dancers in such an amazing venue was a real boost to confidence and well-being. We're looking forward to being able to register for next year's concert as soon as dates are released! Times Table Rockstars (TTR) is a previously trialled app that we aim to implement throughout Springfield. The website and app are child friendly, engaging and extremely beneficial. Children can challenge themselves, other children and even teachers from across the school! Along with TTR, we have purchased ‘Numbots’ - accessible via the TTR website and app. Numbots is an app that supports children with addition and subtraction skills and guides them through increasingly difficult levels.