Raring2go! Bedford,Sandy & Biggleswade

24 raring2go.co.uk Raring2go! HELPING HANDS Nurturing Your Skin Through Winter: A Guide by Rejuvena Laser & Aesthetic Clinic, Bedford As the winter chill sets in, so do the challenges for our skin. The cold, dry air can leave our skin feeling tight, flaky, and in need of extra care. At Rejuvena Clinic in Bedford, we understand the importance of maintaining healthy and radiant skin all year round. In this blog, we’ll share some expert tips to help you take care of your skin during the winter months. Hydration is Key: Winter air tends to be dry, which can lead to dehydration of the skin. We recommend using a hydrating / gentle cleanser to cleanse your face without stripping away your natural essential oils. Additionally, consider incorporating a rich, nourishing moisturiser into your daily routine to keep your skin hydrated and supple. Recommended skin care products / treatments to address hydration: • ZO Hydrating Cleanser • ZO Gentle Cleanser • ZO Daily Power Defence • ZO Hydrating Cream • Skin Booster / Profhilo Sun Protection: The sun’s UV rays can harm your skin, even on cloudy winter days. A quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen is a year-round essential. We suggest applying sunscreen to exposed areas, especially the face, neck, and hands, before stepping out and top it up every 2 hours. Tips on choosing a sun sunscreen: choose between SPF 30 - 50, that is non comedogenic, protects from UVA, UVB, Infrared, and HEV (high energy visible light). We prefer physical over chemical sunscreens as they are better tolerated even by sensitive skins and also the choice of sunscreen if you suffer with skin pigmentation disorders. Recommended skin care products / treatments to address sun protection: • ZO Sheer Fluid Broad Spectrum Sunscreen 50 Exfoliation Matters: Combat the build-up of dry, flaky skin by incorporating a gentle exfoliator into your skincare routine. Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells, allowing your moisturisers to penetrate more effectively. Inclinic treatments such as professional medical grade chemical peels chosen specifically for your skin concerns also helps to get rid of dead skin cells and also stimulate collagen in the skin leaving your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Recommended skin care products / treatments to address exfoliation: • ZO Exfoliating Polish • ZO Enzymatic Peel • ZO Exfoliation Accelerator • ZO Retinol Skin Brightener Stay Hydrated from Within: Don’t forget to hydrate your skin from the inside out. Drinking an ample amount of water helps maintain your skin’s natural moisture balance. We recommend sipping on warm herbal teas, which not only hydrate but also provide antioxidants to combat winter-induced skin stress. Lip Care: Chapped lips are a common winter woe. Combat this issue by using a hydrating lip balm with ingredients like shea butter or beeswax. We also offer specialised lip treatments to revive and nourish your lips, keeping them soft and kissable even in the coldest weather! Conclusion: This winter, let your skin thrive with the expert care and guidance of Rejuvena Clinic in Bedford. By following these tips and incorporating our specialised treatments into your routine, you can ensure your skin stays radiant, healthy, and beautiful throughout the colder months. www.rejuvena.co.uk