Raring2go! Birmingham

| | || | | | | || | colds a avoid t Ideas f nd bugs… he Winter or you to … at bay this Winter s a few things Her ˆŽi ܈` V>ÌV…iÛiÀÞ Vœ` >˜` s that time of the y It’ e’ s esist infection and play r It’ )11& 1.& 8+6#/+0 to help you keep the bugs <+0 % % #0& +410 the number of visits to t All fruit is good fruit wh 4#+& 6*' (47+6 $19 enough to sat orange is pieces of fresh fruit dail strawberries, grapes an minerals are found a few skin. . y, preferably with skin (apples, d pears), as most vitamins and millimetres under the fruit '# Ser in b Inc (ca in b (bro are w lude a few dif ve vegies or salad at lunch and dinner 6 # 4#+0$19 , or as a snack etween meal times with low-fat dips or cheese. ferent colours: reds and o rrot, pumpkin, capsicum and tomatoes) ar eta-carotene, and dark-green leafy vegetables ccoli, baby spinach) are high in iron. T also high in antioxidants, which help little ones ˆ ` ranges e high hese foods 4'5614' 6*' )11& Ƃ }ÕÌ vՏ œv…i>Ì…Þ L>V t b i littl t $#%6'4+# ÌiÀˆ> ˆÃ ̅i LiÃÌ Ü>Þ Ìœ w}…Ì i A di t d tibi ti } $' He w} han alw to y )+8 Exe ma also bod w} Ì Ü >ÌiÛiÀ ˜>ÃÌ ià >Ài >ÀœÕ˜ ° / #6 6*15' )'4/5 lp reduce the stress on the immune system by ̈˜} }iÀ“ð i>V…ÞœÕÀ V…ˆ`Ài˜ ̜ Ü> ds well with soap, especially before th ays rinse fruit and raw vegies before se our family. v V ' 6*'/ 6*' 470 #4170& rcise is good for everybody! Not only intain healthy weight and a healthy hea been shown to boost immunity. The T y, which roam around the bloodstream Ì œ v ˆ˜vi ̈œ˜…>Ûi Lii˜ Ŝܘ ̜ ˆ˜V Å̅iˆÀ ey eat. And rving them does it help rt but it has -cells in the helping Ài>Ãi ˆ˜ milks (Y nas y ugs n e umm medication can reduce found in the gut. Probio akult) and most of the yoghurts available in supermarkets contain la 5705*+0' Vitamin D is produced w contact with the skin, so peak in summer and be es. poor e an an o c the levels of healthy bacteria tic drinks such as fermented rge amounts of these. hen UV light comes into our levels naturally tend to come lower in winter. This num to r 61 Rep one the chi too ] bers through exercise. Encourage your little ones un around in the fresh air a few times a day ld has had a cold it’ lace your little one’ 55 6*' 6116*$475* s toothbrush regula place where bacteria can build up. Put a star on calendar every three months to remin s also a good idea to r thbrush in order to prevent reinfection . rly, as this is d you. If your eplace his . Raring2go! 15