Raring2go! Birmingham

28 raring2go.co.uk Raring2go! 6 Reason 1. Save Money Check whether there s to Buy an An are any Y 4. Other V nual Pass this W enues ou may be able to use some inter available to go. Y restrictions on dates that you can use the work out when you ou may only need to visit an attra in the year to cover the annual pass. Th you will have unlimi which can result in l savings. Work out h you’ll save by dividin and times pass, and would be ction twice the cost of ereafter, ted visits arge ow much g the cost annual passes at locations. Check out the passes that you can use at different locations throughout the UK - perfect for the su 5. Quicker ent fast-track queueing At busy times of t queue at the entr other mmer holidays! rance with he year, the ance of larger ear-r 2. Y of the pass by the co day’s admission, so know exactly how m you will need to visit start saving money. ound access to seasonal even Lots of attractions ho events and activities the year for examp st of a that you any times before you ts ld seasonal throughout le Easter Egg in without delay attractions can b fast-track entranc whizz excited chi , and get started on the fun! This is perfect for families just want for an hour or so, which leads on to... 6. Short visits Unlimited access uild up. A e is perfect to ldren straight ing to drop in means that , hunts, summer trails and Christmas-them These events may a included in the cost annual pass, or ava discount. 3. Discounts in th shop or Cafe Check whether the a , Halloween ed events. lso be of the ilable at a e Gift nnual you can go along for just an hour after school and not feel that it’s a waste o There is no press race around and in each time you visit. Several short visits ensures that smaller children don’t get or too tired. Plus... you will be able to see the d theming at the attraction f money. ure to try to fit everything overwhelmed ifferent pass holder benefits discounts. Many wi discount in the cafe which is great news are desperate for a for when it’s time to attraction, and you h pleading eyes from from other ll offer a or gift shop, when you coffee or exit the ave lots of the children. present? Y throughout the year Why not consider buying an annual pass as a Christmas ou’ll be able to enjoy the spirit o for 12 months, and it won’t be a gift that you a off the floor e . f Christmas re picking up ach day!