Raring2go! Birmingham

32 raring2go.co.uk Raring2go! around the park. You could even ffer family members Gyms ften After all those chocolates we all o o 1. Get Active To ether g like climbing o new, ething try som hip, or just commit to a regular sw to get more active in January need r roller skating! im or walk ! and some ffer adu $QGf WKH\pUH QRW MX o local clubs of Many 2. Join a Clu hen. Home-cookin them in the kitc of the best wa Experts say that one 3. Ba e Together lt sessions too! VW IRU NLGV 7KHUH DUH ORWV RI VSRUW DQ ffer fer a trial period, and may even o b k er than sh ften cheap g is tastier and eating in childre ys to overcome fussy G OHLVXUH FOXEV RU IDPLOLHV I a free taster session. o ht op-boug n is to involve 6L[ 1 4 Start a Me for the who HZ <HDUʹV y Jar more. l snacks and meals, seasona HTXLYDOHQWV <RXpOO ILQG VRPH JUHDW mor le family 5HVROXWLR UHFLSHV RQ WKH 5DULQJ JR ZHEVLWH L QV QFOXGLQJ PDLQ mories made toge me 2Q 1HZ <HDUpV (YH \ little piece of paper. a new activity, achiev Start the year with an . i thi hi t h FDQ SRS LQ HYHQ IRU VKRUW YLVLWV LI \R ffer a local attractions our of Many o 5. B y an Annual Pass ear. ther throughout the y RX FDQ HQMR\ D VSHFLDO PRPHQW UHFD it in the jar. fold it up and drop Then to either draw l etc. get them ed a goa empty jar and whenever your child h u t d hild id h t i h l i it X KDYH D IHZ KRXUV WR ILOO ,W DOVR PHD l passes. Once the pass is purc nnua OOLQJ DOO RI WKH ZRQGHUIXO a picture, or write it on a out, tried as enjoyed a day Y QV \RX GRQpW hased, you tment to raise ommi c helter, there are a v s a charity, becoming Volunteering is a rew 6. Give some mpleting a money f a charity, by co ariety of ways to ffer your time and e l PTA, c or, helping the schoo a govern arding way to support y r local com ou o or thing back l benefits, such as also get additiona ave o ac eve every ng n one v hon? mat swi family fun run ertise. What about a family xp mal hurch, ood bank or ani orking with unity. From w m f ounts, r invites to special events disc s , e p ng o avo ex aus e c r or o . en. ou may