Raring2go! Bishopsstortford

15 Raring2go! In December there’s one warming treat that is especially welcomed. This treat is popular the world over as delicious way of keeping the cold at bay. You’ve guessed it… we’re talking about Roast Chestnuts. They are more often seen at this time of year than any other. You’ll spot them being cooked by street food vendors at Christmas markets, fetes and along the road. The spicy scent is strong and is instantly recognised by our keen sense of smell. It is said that a mere passing waft from a chestnut which is roasting slowly, is more than enough to get everyone into the Christmas spirit. Chestnuts have a long and auspicious history. One of the world’s greatest military generals, Alexander the Great, together with the Romans, is reported to have planted chestnuts all across Europe. The trees that were planted spread from the mountainous Mediterranean regions where it was known that certain grains did not to grow well. Chestnuts quickly became a staple and versatile food source for locals and a form of currency used in bartering for other goods. Ancient Greeks ground their chestnuts into flour and made chestnut bread whilst in other cultures, chestnut trees were grown specifically for their wood. So what’s the History of Roast Chestnuts Day? Roast Chestnut’s Day is a relatively new day in the calendar, but the practice of roasting chestnuts has been around for centuries. Although it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when they started to become so popular, historians pencil the 16th century as being a turning point, when the nuts would be sold by street vendors to anyone wanting a quick and warming snack. When chestnuts are carefully roasted, a natural sweetness is revealed. This makes them an ideal snack if you want something to stave off a sweet tooth that also happens to be quite nutritious. Chestnuts are comparatively low in calories, known as a good source of fibre as well as being very rich in vitamin C. Although technically they are nuts, they taste very unlike other nuts. The sweet, earthy taste is worth a try if you’ve never had one before and Roast Chestnuts Day is the perfect time to try that first one. Celebrate Roast Chestnuts Day by making your own. They’re easy to roast and we’ve got this great recipe for you to try. Just click on this page and you’ll be taken there. We can almost smell the roasting chestnuts already.... Let’s honour the Roast Chestnut! December 14th is Roast Chestnut Day! It’s when we officially mark the now quite ancient tradition of roasting chestnuts particularly during the festive season.