Raring2go! Bournemouth

4 raring2go.co.uk Great reasons to cycle to school! It ’ s good for us! As well as the physical benefits of exercise, cycling or scooting is great for our mental health. Exercise is a fantastic way to burn off any nerves or negative feelings that we have and makes us more alert which is a plus in the classroom. Reduces congestion As covid is still around it ’ s a great time to reduce the number of cars on the road and make more space for everyone. Bikes and scooters are far easier to park and fewer cars will make the roads safer especially around the school gates. Better for the environment Did you know according to Sustrans that air pollution contributes towards 40,000 early deaths a year? Reducing the number of times you use your car will help improve the air your family is breathing as well as save you money in fuel. It ’ s fun! Cycling to school can be a fun family activity, it ’ s quality time you can spend together and much more fun than sitting in traffic! Cycling safely To stay safe it ’ s a good idea to . . . Make sure everyone is wearing a well fitted cycle helmet Let your child cycle in front of you where you can see them or have an adult at the front and one at the back. Avoid baggy clothes and wear sensible shoes. Don ’ t hang anything on the handlebars as it could affect balance. Sign up to one of the Bikeability classes. Bikeability i s today ’ s national cycle training scheme. It ’ s like cycling proficiency, but better! You can find out more at bcpcouncil.gov.uk/ bikeability