Raring2go! Brighton & Hove

5 Raring2go! WHAT’S ON? 26th September Celebrate the The European Day of Languages which aims involve millions of people across more than 45 participating countries. Activities include linguistic diversity in Europe and the day promotes language learning. 28th September Bike to School Week is a week-long event across the UK to encourage families to cycle and scoot to school. It's a great way to celebrate the huge benefits an active school run brings. 30th September National Sporting Heritage Day. The annual celebration began in 2014 and today there are many ways to get involved from hosting an event to promoting your work & sporting collections online all with support from Sporting Heritage CIC. 4th October World Space Week is the largest annual space event in the world. It’s main aim is to inspire students and public support for the space programme... Beam me up! 4th October National Pyjama Week. Forget convention. Brighten up your workplace, your university, college, or school and get involved in National Pyjama Week and support The Children’s Trust. 14th October Chocolate Week. This is a favourite of ours and we’re sure for chocolate lovers everywhere. Who hasn’t been waiting for National Chocolate Week? Whatever your preference, make sure you get involved! 14th October National Adoption Week. This nationwide campaign aims to change perceptions surrounding adoption whilst also ensuring people feel eligible and capable to adopt. 19th October The Family Learning Festival is a national celebration to mark and inspire a love of learning in family life. It is co-ordinated by the Campaign for Learning, the organisation that aims to build a culture of learning everywhere. 31st October Halloween marks the end of summer and harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter. Over time, it has evolved with activities like trick-or-treating, carving pumpkins, donning scary costumes, eating treats and festive gatherings.