Raring2go! Brighton & Hove

Plant a spring garden (or just a plant) Capability Brown started somewhere, probably with his parents messing around planting a few things and look where he ended up! Gardening provides family fun time plus teaches valuable lessons about mother nature at work and how things grow. Get outside! Visit a farm and spot the spring babies! There is nothing as enchanting as a childs face as they watch a lamb take its first few faltering steps. Make sure you tell your children what is happening as it is happening and then prepare yourself for a relentless barrage of questions as they witness new life beginning in a very lovely setting... Get on your BIKE! Don’t panic, most kids won’t want to cycle for miles and miles. But they’ll love that feeling of speed, power and the wind rushing by them. Make sure they’re cycle proficient before taking them on public roads. Cycling is brilliant for physical and mental wellbeing! Play Tarzan - Climb a tree Add an element of competitiveness to a tree climb by inviting them to do their best impression of Tarzan! We mean his unique wailing noise and not his agility in jumping from vine to vine or from tree to tree! Physical fun and a sense of achievement. Walk on an empty beach! If you’re lucky enough to live within a relative short drive of a beach, this is one for you.Your kids will marvel at the fact that apart from a dog walker in the distance and possibly a boat off shore, you guys have the entire beach to yourselves. Enjoy it! 7 6 8 9 10 y activities to try!