Raring2go! 2024 W elcom etoourW inter2025 edition.. W interisatim eforfam iliestobond through activities,geting out& about and creating cherished m em ories together.In thisissue,we’ve gotlotsof ideasto takeyou through theW inter m onths,m aking sure you enjoyevery m inute,including ourseasonalW inter activitiesideasand asalwaysthere’s Raring2Grow,Raring2Read pagesto ofersuggestionsofthingstodowith thekids.W ehopeyouenjoyreading thisedition asm uchaswedid puling ittogether.W ishing you althebestof the season!Bestwishes… TheRaring2go!Team GETIN TOUCH.. info@ raring2go.co.uk Tel:01273 447101 3