Raring2go! Surrey Heath

23 EDUCATION Raring2go! raring2go.co.uk 1. Do Your Homework: Before the open day, research the school thoroughly. Familiarise yourself with its ethos, academic performance, extracurricular offerings, and any unique programs. This background knowledge will help you ask more informed questions and evaluate whether the school aligns with your child’s needs and your family’s values. 2. Prepare a List of Questions: Prepare a list of questions that address your main concerns. These could range from academic standards and class sizes to support for special educational needs or the school’s approach to student wellbeing. Consider asking about the teaching philosophy, homework expectations, discipline policies, and how the school handles bullying or conflicts. Tailor your questions to your child’s specific needs and interests. 3. Observe the Atmosphere: Pay close attention to the school’s atmosphere. Observe how staff and students interact with each other. Are the students engaged and happy? Does the school have a welcoming and inclusive environment? The behaviour of students and staff can give you a good indication of the school’s culture and whether it would be a positive setting for your child. Getting the most out of Open Days 4. Engage with Teachers and Staff: Take the time to speak with teachers, the headteacher, and other key staff members. Ask about their teaching styles, experience, and how they support students’ individual needs. The openness and enthusiasm of the staff can tell you a lot about the school’s commitment to education and student development. 5. Tour the Facilities: Explore the school’s facilities thoroughly. Visit the classrooms, library, sports facilities, and any specialised areas like science labs or art studios. Assess the condition of the facilities and whether they seem wellmaintained and equipped to support a diverse curriculum. 6. Talk to Current Students and Parents: If possible, speak with current students and their parents. They can provide valuable insights into the day-to-day life at the school and how well it meets their expectations. Ask about their experiences, including what they like most and what they think could be improved. 7. Reflect and Compare: After the open day, take some time to reflect on your visit. Compare it with other schools you’ve visited. Consider how well the school’s offerings match your child’s needs and aspirations. Attending a prospective school open day is an excellent opportunity to get a firsthand look at the environment where your child could be spending a significant part of their formative years. Making the most of this experience requires a bit of preparation and a strategic approach. Here’s how to ensure you get the most out of your visit: