Raring2go! Surrey Heath

There’s just something so satisfying about cleaning when it comes to spring. But nobody wants to spend hours cleaning when there is a cleaning hack to be had! Move over Mrs Hinch, we’ve got you sorted this Spring! 1 Use Old T-Shirts to Wipe Down Mirrors When sorting clothes, set aside any old cotton T-shirts— they are excellent for giving mirrors a streak- and lint-free clean. For a chemical-free clean, mix white vinegar, distilled water, and a few drops of an essential oil. 2 Use rubber gloves to remove pet hair The easiest way to remove pet hair; rubber gloves! Don a pair of gloves and wipe down soft furnishings and carpets, with the fur sticking to the rubber. Then, wash your hands and the hair will unstick. Ta-dah! 3 Remove water rings with just a hairdryer & olive oil Get rid of dreaded water marks easily with a hairdryer and some olive oil. Blast the water ring on high heat until it begins to disappear, before rubbing a bit of olive oil on the area once the mark has gone to recondition the wood. 4 Steam clean your microwave If you’ve got stubborn food stains on the inside of your microwave, you can make them much easier to remove by steaming them first. Fill a bowl with water, white vinegar and some essential oil before turning it on for five minutes and the stains will then be much easier to clean off 5 Refresh Mattresses Sprinkle baking soda on your mattress, let it sit for a few hours to absorb odors, then vacuum it up. Rotate and flip your mattress to help maintain its shape and comfort. 6 Clean Blinds with Tongs and Microfiber Cloth Wrap microfiber cloths around the ends of a pair of kitchen tongs and secure them with rubber bands. Use this makeshift tool to clean both sides of your blinds at once. Spring Clean! 7 Remove Carpet Indentations with Ice Cubes Place ice cubes in indented areas of your carpet and let them melt completely. Once the water has evaporated, fluff up the carpet fibers with a fork or your fingers to remove the indentation. 8 Clean the bath with grapefruit The most environmentally friendly way to clean your bath! Simply cut a grapefruit in half, sprinkle it with some salt and rub it around the bath. No harsh chemicals or products needed! 9 Keep clean with cling film This is the best trick for keeping your fridge clean! Line each shelf with a layer of cling film and every week replace it with a new one. Any crumbs or spillages will be lifted and thrown away with the plastic. You can do the same with your grill and oven, using foil. 10 Disinfect sponges in the microwave Sponges can easily become dirty when doing a spring clean but you can give them a bit of a refresh by sprinkling over a small amount of lemon juice and then popping them in the microwave for two minutes. But do make sure your sponge is metal-free! SPRING CLEANING! Raring2go! 23 raring2go.co.uk