Raring2go! Chorley & Leyland

Our website as further more money savings, offers, and Competitions, see www.raring2go/chorleyandleyland all you need to do is register, and remember its FREE! So for now have great Easter and Spring. We hope you enjoy this issue of Raring2go! we’ll be back before the Summer holidays! BEST WISHES WHAT’S INSIDE SPRING 2025: 2 Puddleducks 2-3 Editors Letter & Where to go 4-6 Whats On-Where to Go 7 Parties 8-11 Whats On, Where to Go, Pre-School & Activites 12-17 Clubs & Classes 18-19 Competitions, Clubs & Classes 20-23 Education & Activities 24-25 Pets & Shop Local 26-31 Whats On, Where to Go and Offers 32 British Commercial Vehicle Museum Hello and welcome to our Spring Chorley and Leyland Raring2go! We have a fab edition in store for you this Spring... As the warmer and brighter days approach, (we hope) it’s time to venture out a bit more, and get Raring2go! Springtime is always a great time of the year, because there is so much to do and see in our towns and surrounding villages, checkout the What’s on guide throughout the magazine for all your Days out, and attractions! We have lots of new and exciting events, activities, and ideas for you and the whole family over Easter & Spring, plus some new and diverse classes, that will keep you busy to! Are you looking to book a party? If so checkout the party section on Page 7. We also have an array of Local shops within our area, be sure to take a visit and let them know you saw their advert in your local Raring2go! 2 Get in touch or contact us at; Email chorleyandleyland@raring2go.co.uk Phone 07779 054 313 FB @Raring2Go!ChorleyandLeyland Insta @ChorleyandLeylandR2G!