Raring2go! Co Durham & Darlington

26 raring2go.co.uk 27 Raring2go! FAMILY FUN Raring2go! FAMILY FUN 1 Winter Nature Hike: Take a leisurely hike in a nearby nature reserve or park. Look for signs of winter wildlife and enjoy the crisp, fresh air. Board Game Night: Gather around the table for a night of board games or card games. It's a great way to bond and have some friendly competition. Movie Marathon: Choose a series of familyfriendly movies or a theme (classic Disney films, Harry Potter movies etc) and have a ‘movie marathon’ with popcorn and snacks. Baking Extravaganza: Spend a day baking cookies, cakes, or other treats together.You can even have a mini-baking competition with different teams or family members. Volunteer Together: Give back to your community by volunteering at a local shelter, food bank, or charity. It's a wonderful way to teach your kids the value of helping others. DIY Craft Day: Get creative with a DIY craft day. You can make homemade decorations, scrapbooks, or other crafts that you can cherish as keepsakes. Indoor Mini-Olympics: Create a series of miniOlympic games in your living room or back garden (weather permitting of course!).You can have events like a sock sliding race, minibasketball, and even a family dance-off. Visit a museum or Aquarium: Explore a local museum, science centre, or aquarium. It's both fun and educational for the whole family. Cook a Family Dinner: Have each family member choose a dish and cook it together for a special family dinner. It's a great way to share family recipes and traditions. Scavenger Hunt: Organise a scavenger hunt in your garden or at a nearby park. Create a list of items to find or clues to solve and see who can complete the hunt first. Remember to tailor these activities to your family's interests and the weather in your area. Whether you choose indoor or outdoor activities, the key is to spend quality time together and create lasting memories. After the Festivities are over… Christmas and New Year are such a busy time and once over, things can feel a tad flat, so we have come up with a few suggestions to keep the family busy for January and beyond… Here are 10 ideas for family activities to enjoy once Christmas is over: 1 raring2go.co.uk Raring2go! Family Cook-Off Night: Host a weekly or monthly family cook-off night where each member takes turns selecting a theme or cuisine. Everyone can work together to plan, shop for ingredients, and then prepare their chosen dishes.This not only promotes teamwork but also allows everyone to explore different culinary traditions. Outdoor Adventure Challenges: Plan a series of outdoor adventures or challenges like hiking to a scenic spot, geocaching, or orienteering. Create a "Family Adventure Passport" to track completed challenges and encourage friendly competition.This activity promotes physical activity and bonding in nature. Family Book Club: Start a family book club where you pick a book to read together and then have regular discussions about it. Choose a diverse range of genres and themes to cater to different interests within the family.You can even create a mini-library at home to keep all your family book club selections. DIY Home Improvement Projects: Undertake DIY home improvement or decoration projects as a family. Decide on a room or area to renovate or redecorate and involve each family member in the planning and execution. It's a productive way to improve your living space while learning new skills together. Language Learning Night: Dedicate one evening a week to learning a new language as a family.You can use language-learning apps, online resources or enrol in a course together. This not only enhances communication skills but also opens doors to exploring different cultures and travel opportunities in the future. Remember that the key to introducing something new for the family is to ensure that it's engaging, inclusive, and adaptable to everyone's interests and abilities. These activities can help strengthen family bonds and create lasting memories. Something New for You and the family… Things can get very samey once the festive season is over, so we have put together a few creative ideas to introduce something new for your family to do together: