Raring2go! Esher & Weybridge

Welcome to the Autumn edition! Raring2go! Welcome to the Autumn Edition I hope you had a fabulous summer spending time making great family memories. Albert Campus delightfully said that ‘Autumn Is A Second Spring When Every Leaf Is A Flower’. As leaves fall, and days get shorter and cooler, Raring2go! is still the go-to guide for Autumn days out, Halloween, clubs, classes, holiday camps, fireworks and more... We also look ahead to Christmas, and festive shows. Many attractions get booked up early, so it pays to be organised, to ensure you get the date and time that you want if you are booking Christmas productions, or seeing Santa. When you are talking to local businesses, please remember to tell them that you saw them in Raring2go! Visit our website to see both local and national competitions, together with discounts and offers available to Raring2o! subscribers. Make sure you ‘localise’ to ensure you see the most relevant information for this area. Take a few minutes to view the host of information on our site, including recipes (including Halloween ones!), activities to do at home, events, and more. Finally... Make sure you make a note to change the clocks when daylight saving ends at 2am on Sunday 29th October. Have a fabulous Autumn! Kirsten Hackman xx Get in Touch: 07858 751776 esherandweybridge@raring2go.co.uk