Raring2go! Guildford

raring2go.co.uk 19 FESTIVAL FUN! Raring2go! SATURDAY , 1 1 4 ’ / / PLUSSILENT DISCO 3 STAGES CAMPING GLAMPING KIDS ACTIVITIES LOCAL AUTHORS BARS & FOOD COURT FESTIVAL STALLS COMEDIANS ANIMAL ENCOUNTERS AND MORE... SHYNEFEST.UK IN AID OF FAUX FIGHTERS THE MARLEY EXPERIENCE COUNTERFEIT KYLIE SORTED FOR CHEESE & FIZZ FRIDAY 6 FOO FIGHTERS TRIBUTE BOB MARLEY TRIBUTE KYLIE MINOGUE TRIBUTE FEEB & THE QUEEN PIXIE MCCANN PARAMANZA THE PRE-NUPS JOE KELLINOS MIRACLE MEDICINE SHOW THE COLOUR BLIND MONKS EMILY HALLETT THE DIVAS DOUBTING THOMAS THE TRUE DECIEVERS FAIRIE THE MISSING PAGES PETER HOBBS SUGAR DARLING FRI 31ST MAY - SAT 1ST JUNE MERRIST WOOD COLLEGE, GUILDFORD, SURREY. GU3 3PE 9 - Safeguard their hearing Festivals can be quite loud, so it’s crucial to protect your children’s sensitive ears. Invest in a pair of ear defenders specifically designed for kids. To find the most suitable ones, take a moment to read product reviews and choose accordingly. 10 - Protect your skin from the sun Even on cloudy days, it’s crucial to regularly apply sun cream to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Don’t forget to reapply throughout the day to keep everyone’s skin safe. If you forget to bring sunscreen, most festivals will have an essentials stall/shop, or the first aid tent will have sun cream. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and create lasting memories with your family. By being prepared and organised, you can make your experience less stressful and more enjoyable. In addition to the tips mentioned above, here are a few other handy items to bring along: • A torch or solar-powered lantern for nighttime visibility, especially for those nighttime visits to the loo. • Solar fairy lights to add a cosy touch to your tent. • If possible, set up a big flag or bunting near your tent to easily spot it in the crowd. • Don’t forget to bring fully charged power bank phone chargers to stay connected throughout the festival. If you’re planning on taking children along to a festival, perhaps for the first time, here are some invaluable tips to ensure that you and your family have an unforgettable weekend. 1 – Lost kids Upon arrival at the festival, take some time to sit down with your children and explain what to do if they get lost. Show them what the festival stewards look like or instruct them to approach a mother with young children for help. All festivals have designated areas for lost children, usually located near the first aid point. Dressing your child in brightly coloured clothing can also make it easier to spot them in a crowd. Additionally, consider giving them glow sticks to wear as bracelets when it starts getting dark, as this will help you locate them if they wander off. It will also add a touch of excitement for the kids. 2 - Use wristbands with contact information To avoid any potential separation, write your contact details on a wristband and securely attach it to your child’s wrist. While most festivals provide wristbands, it’s always wise to confirm this beforehand to ensure you’re fully prepared. 3 - Stay hydrated Most festivals provide drinking water stations where you can refill your bottles. Bringing your own empty bottles not only saves money but also helps reduce plastic waste. 4 – Food and drink Most festivals will not allow food or drink past the campsite, but will allow baby food/milk and kids snacks. Definitely check their policy first. 5 - Be prepared for minor injuries Have a small first aid kit on hand. This way, you’ll be prepared for any small cuts or bumps that may occur during the festival. While there will be first aid areas available, it’s helpful to bring essentials like antibacterial wipes & plasters. 6 - Prepare for messiness Festivals can get messy, especially if it rains. Pack extra clothes for your children to change into if they get wet or muddy. Additionally, bring wipes as they come in handy for quick clean-ups. 7 - Stay dry in any weather No matter what the forecast says, it’s always a good idea to be prepared for rain. Make sure to pack waterproof coats or ponchos that can easily fit in your bag. This way, you’ll be ready for any unexpected showers that may come your way. 8 - Avoid getting stuck in the mud To prevent getting stuck in muddy areas, it’s important to have a pram or cart with sturdy wheels. This will ensure that you can easily navigate through any muddy patches without any trouble. Additionally, some larger festivals hire out carts. Before attending, check if they have this facility available and the cost. Shyne’s Top Tips for taking your kids to a festival 18 Raring2go! FESTIVAL FUN!