Raring2go! Guildford

In the world of education, the wellbeing of students is like the compass guiding their journey – a fundamental aspect that shapes not just academic success but the overall experience of learning and growing. Schools are not just places of learning; they are the foundation for building well-rounded individuals ready to face the challenges of life. Academic success should not come at the expense of a student’s overall wellbeing. Schools are where children learn to socialise, make friends and deal with all the ups and downs of life. By focusing on their wellbeing, we are helping them build social skills, empathy and resilience. The result? Children who are not just academically able but also emotionally intelligent, ready to face the complexities of the real world. Here at St Catherine’s Prep School, we pride ourselves on our holistic approach to education. By prioritising our girl’s wellbeing, we are not just helping them feel good; we are boosting their brainpower. A healthy mind does not memorise facts; it thinks creatively, critically and stays engaged in the learning process. In providing a positive school environment, we are not only improving outcomes but also instilling a genuine love for learning making education a lifelong adventure. We recognise that academic success is intrinsically linked to mental and emotional health, and as such we have introduced a number of innovative programmes to support the balance. These include the Wellbeing pod and the use of Wellbeing and Playground Ambassadors. These help to create a supportive and nurturing environment in which the girls are happy and able to thrive. Our Playground and Wellbeing Ambassadors at invaluable at playtime, ensuring that every girl at St Catherine’s feels supported and included. The importance of play in a child’s development cannot be overstated and these Ambassadors play a crucial role in A Holistic Approach to Education fostering an environment where everyone can engage in healthy social interactions. In addition, we have the ‘Place to Talk’, ‘Place to Be and ‘Place to Play’ initiatives which run every Friday. The ‘Place to Be’ offers a tranquil environment to recharge and find peace during the school week by taking part in calming and mindful activities. The ‘Place to Talk’ provides the opportunity for girls to openly talk, share their experiences and connect with their peers whilst the ‘Place to Play’ initiative focuses on exploring music and song writing as a creative outlet for expressing feelings. A key too, in any school is the Pastoral team who play a pivotal role in shaping a school’s culture. Our own Pastoral team are not just mentors ; they are champions of mental health, promoting positive wellbeing practices among not only the girls but staff as well. Through workshops and awareness campaigns, the Pastoral team contribute to the creation of a supportive community where both girls and staff feel valued. By having programmes that address mental health openly, we are not just tackling stigma; we are providing a safety net for girls to talk about their worries and get the support they need to help prevent bigger issues developing down the road by equipping them with the tools to cope with life’s challenges. By placing happiness and mental health on the priority list, we are not just nurturing minds; we are setting the stage for futures filled with promise and balance. Happy minds lead to bright futures. By Rebecca Mudde, Prep School Head of Academic Mentoring and Thinking Skills at St Catherine’s Prep School, Bramley. Raring2go! EDUCATION 36