Raring2go! Harrogate & York

3 Raring2go! EDITOR’S NOTE Back to school, back to normality? There are definitely a lot more events and experiences happening now, which has been so lovely to see. I think we are all keeping our fingers crossed for a more ‘normal’ Christmas, but in the mean time there is plenty to do over the next few months. We have felt very lucky at Raring2go to be able to bring so many events to you in this edition and this is testament to the hard work of local businesses across North Yorkshire, and to all of the families who support them. It has also been good to see lots of clubs and classes starting back up, and some online classes moving back to face to face sessions - lovely to see actual humans again instead of their virtual counterparts! The last year or so has definitely changed the way that people are buying products and there are more online businesses available. We’re supporting some of them in this magazine and hope that you will too. Keep safe over half term, have lots of fun and get out and about in the sunshine and fresh air while we still have (some) nice weather! Jennie Eyres Editor Get in touch! Mobile: 07394828035 Email: Harrogateandyork@raring2go.co.uk Twitter: @r2gHarrogate Facebook: /raring2goharrogateandyork Instagram: raring2goharrogate COULD YOUR WEBSITE DO WITH A REFRESH? STARTING FROM £95.00