Raring2go! Hillingdon

24 raring2go .co.uk Raring2go! Cambridge Dance classes, drama classes, singing lessons, music lessons and creative arts are more important to our children and teenagers education today more than ever and here's why...... Since March 2020 I have seen so many changes in young people. Some students at our schools that were once full of confidence, who presented themselves with a sense of self worth and who were all too happy to sing a solo are now finding it difficult to join in with their class. Covid - 19 has had affects on the younger generation that could have repercussions into their adult life and now more than ever it is important that we encourage our young people to engage in a hobby that gives them confidence in their ability, that helps them socialise with like minded peer groups and that brings the fun back into their lives. The arts are important for the confidence, mental and physical well-being of children. I beleive the skills that are deemed to be those which aren’t measurable through common means of testing; teamwork, etiquette, communicating, listening and analysing, are increasingly important in the world today. This is where the Arts can add value by creating a well- rounded individual; someone who can analyse, create, listen, interpret and problem- solve within the context of a team. These are qualities which contribute to making a highly admired and succesful person. A teenager who understands pythagoras theorem is also willing to take on the lead role in “Chicago” is probably one who has a great memory, a logical mind and is brave enough to perform on-stage to a critical audience of their parents and peers. Music and the Arts have an incredibly important role to play in a student’s education and shouldn’t be overlooked as ‘additional’ learning or ‘extra-curricular’. A dancer who has finely trained motor skills could make a steady- handed surgeon and an actor could have the public speak- ing skills to make a great lawyer. Many schools now find it very hard to add Performing or Creative Arts based classes to the curriculum so finding an independent Theatre School may really contribute to your child's success in their future. Our schools offers Dance, Drama and Singing all under one roof and we work hard on building confidence and focus on creative skills. An education without music, dance, drama, physical education and design is an education which hinders the chances of young people becoming more well rounded, inspirational and confident individuals and now more than ever, we need these life skills in our young peoples life tool kit. Sam Holloway - Founder Starcast Performing Arts Why the Creative Arts are so important for our children Sam Holloway spent over ten years travelling the world working as a professional dancer before establishing Starcast Performing Arts School . She passionately believes that Theatre Arts can benefit every child and through Starcast, she teaches her students to be confident, expressive, diligent and happy. Here she tells Raring2go! why the creative arts are so important.