Raring2go! Prospectus 2022

What other people say about Raring2go! At Raring2go! we work with a number of organisations and individuals in various business sectors. We thought you might find it useful to hear what they think about Raring2go! 11 As a marketer and a business author with decades of experience in franchising, I am always interested in talking to franchisors and looking at what they offer from the perspective of the franchisee. The Raring2go! business opportunity is nothing short of incredible; a testament to the passion, commitment and vision of Freddie St George and his team. I can’t speak highly enough of what franchisees are offered and the ongoing support they receive. The package is so all encompassing that a franchisee can open the doors for business after their induction training with everything they need at their fingertips – and joy of joys - working from home. Of equal importance, the respect shown to Raring2go! franchisees from Freddie (which I have witnessed in abundance from the earliest days), demonstrates his character and leadership style - generous, spirited, and collaborative. This was on show during the coronavirus pandemic when he went all out to support every franchisee. I encourage any person interested in this business opportunity to explore it without hesitation. It really is that fantastic! Dee Blick, No1 international bestselling business author The more I learn about Raring2go! the more impressed I become. And there’s always a positive buzz around the network of franchisees. We have supported several editors with our services to date and without fail everyone of them has nothing but good things to say about Freddie and his Head Office team and it’s clear they genuinely love what they do.’ Ian Jenkinson, Direct Route and AccountAssyst The phrase “businesses only exist to make money” may have to be rewritten? Raring2go! have something special…. No…. I mean REALLY special! From roots to branches, this team have got something that we can all learn from. In so many teams you get one or two of "support, collaboration and accountability” taking place, but rarely all three. Strong and passionate leadership has empowered their team to be open to learning and applying new ideas in their businesses. Franchisees who care not only about their business, but also their clients and suppliers, work together and fight to retain the spirit of fun and engagement that few teams retain for long. Working with so many teams you can be lucky to have some clients that you call a friend, but with Raring2go!, it is deeper than this. It is like working with, and being part of a family whom, once engaged with, invite you into their world. One day the franchise model will be based upon Raring2go!’ David Hyner, Professional goal setting speaker/trainer. Istarted my business career as part of two franchises and my experience wasn't a good one. I can only look back and wonder how different life might have been if my franchisor, the mentor that will help you start your business and then help you make it grow had been a man such as Freddie St George. I have known Freddie over ten years now as a supplier, a customer and now as a friend. In three words: Passion, Energy, Integrity. I could add more but as a prospective franchisee it's what I would be looking for. Your own research will tell you that Raring2go! is a brilliant set-up, it's not a get rich quick scheme, you must be committed and confident in your own ability, but alongside you is a mentor that will save you time and money on business set-up, and will match your dedication and commitment to your business with Passion, Energy, Integrity. I wish you the best of luck. Andrew Nash, Managing Director, Sussex Promotions Limited. Ihave had the pleasure of knowing the Raring2go! business for a number of years and can confidently say that they are one of the most supportive, collaborative and genuinely caring franchise businesses that I have come across. Raring2go! were early adopters in the UK of the ‘franchise council’ approach where a representative group of franchisees meet regularly with the franchisor to discuss and agree the approach and direction of the business. This has been invaluable in creating a collaborative franchise network where franchisees really feel part of the brand. At no time has the franchisor's supportive qualities been more evident than during the Covid-19 pandemic. During this stressful period Raring2go! showed it was: • Innovative, by rapidly switching to a "digital only" offering, allowing its franchisees to continue trading; • Financially supportive, by reducing monthly fees and negotiating great terms with suppliers; • Emotionally supportive, by hosting a weekly drop-in Zoom call to allow all franchisees to get together to discuss whatever troubles were on their minds; • Practical, by using the slow-down in activity levels to help franchisees better themselves and their businesses via online workshops hosted in collaboration with an array of business advisors, experts, gurus and even a bestselling author! Most franchisors will say that buying a franchise enables you to be in business ‘for yourself but not by yourself’, however with Raring2go! the evidence is certainly there to support that claim! Andy Fraser QFP, Albany Fraser Solicitors.