Raring2go! Prospectus 2022

17 Do Raring2go! franchisees work together? Yes. You are undoubtedly the boss of your own company but are still part of a wider regional team working alongside one another. We are a collaborative network. In fact, many of our franchisees sell advertising on behalf of other franchisees. Franchisees meet regularly and in between they communicate on Zoom, WhatsApp, and other channels. Do I have to live in the area in which my magazines are distributed? Not necessarily but you must know the area and your territory inside out. Most of our franchisees operate from the areas they live in. This naturally gives them a detailed knowledge of their territory and an edge as our magazines and 0websites are hyper local. Do I need a driving licence? Not for the day to day running of your business, but it is important that you can drive to magazine distribution and meeting your advertising clients. Do I need sales and marketing experience? Not necessarily, but you will benefit if you have a grasp of the basics of sales and marketing. However, we cover sales and marketing in our induction training, and it is an ongoing focus for training and mentoring. Having the right can do attitude, being willing to work hard and recognising the importance of delivering fantastic customer service are the three most important assets we look for. Can I purchase additional territories? Yes. A number of our existing franchisees currently operate more than one territory successfully. We offer incentives on purchase prices for second and third territories which make the transition to a multi site operator even more attractive. We will want to make sure though that you’re ready before you take the leap. Can I renew my franchise agreement after 5 years? Yes. We normally just levy the small legal cost that we face when we issue a new franchise agreement. Can I sell my business? Yes. At any time during the term of your agreement, you can sell your Raring2go! business. We will need to be involved in this process from the very early stages as we will need to make sure the person you are selling to is right for our business and that we are right for them. With the back end systems we have in Raring2go! the transition of ownership is very much turn key and the new franchisee will be ready to start operating quickly after they have completed our training. Got any questions you’d like to ask us? Ask away. That’s what we’re here for. Call us on01273 447101 or email our head office team at: franchise@raring2go.co.uk ‘You will generate ongoing working capital as you develop your Raring2go! business.’ Trish, Raring2go! General Manager Jenny, Raring2go! Harrogate