Raring2go! Prospectus 2022

18 So what are the next steps? Let’s have a conversation It all starts with a conversation. So, get in touch and let’s talk. We will answer your initial questions, send you examples of our magazines and an application form. We call this the ‘getting to know you better’ stage. Let’s meet The next stage is arranging to meet at our offices in Sutton Coldfield. Come alone or bring your partner. At this meeting we will drill into the nuts and bolts of the Raring2go! business proposition. Before meeting you will have been asked to complete a non-disclosure agreement. This offers us a level of protection and safeguards any sensitive information we share with you. Speaking with Raring2go! franchisees It is time now for you to do your research. We will give you the contact details of some Raring2go! franchisees, leaving you to choose who to speak to and the questions to ask. This is important because it enables you to find out more from franchisees that are doing what you will hopefully be doing soon! We will also begin working on the fundamentals of your business plan. Legals and Financials Time to meet again. At this meeting we will decide together if we are right for one another. Both of us must be certain that all the pieces of the puzzle are on the table and fit snugly together. If the answer is an unequivocal yes, we will provide a copy of our standard franchise agreement for you to have reviewed by a solicitor experienced in franchising. We will also introduce you to the specialist franchise banks if appropriate. Time to kick start your Raring2go! business Now you will be asked to sign the franchise agreement, pay the franchisee fee and book onto your induction training. Of course, this marks the exciting point at which you begin a brand-new chapter in your life, hopefully your best one yet as a brand new Raring2go! business owner. ‘This marks the exciting point at which you begin a brand-new chapter in your life.’