Raring2go! Prospectus 2022

4 The powerful premise of Raring2go! is to connect local family friendly businesses and events with local families. Initially our franchisees accomplished this with our now iconic quarterly produced print magazine. This is looked upon as the go-to-guide for parents and children across the UK. However, over the years our offering has expanded significantly and now encompasses website promotion, email marketing campaigns and social media shout outs for local businesses. This multi-channel marketing offering makes the Raring2go! proposition to local businesses compelling. Not only can they promote their business with adverts and features in our printed magazines, they can also take advantage of everything offered online in all its different yet complementary formats. As a Raring2go! franchisee you benefit because each one of these formats is income generating. And you will find, as our franchisees do now, that most of your customers will be keen to promote themselves online and in print. They will buy packages of promotion and support guided by you as to the best combination and frequency. You will be fully trained and supported by our franchisee network too. Each one of our franchisees is an accomplished editor with a keen sense of what works well and a track record, using our successful sales and marketing blueprint on how to approach local businesses with a package of appealing offers. They just love to help new franchisees. Let’s look at these income streams in more detail. The Raring2go! quarterly magazine Your magazines are distributed free to Early Years Foundation and Key Stage 1 and 2 children in primary schools via bookbags. You can also build your circulation through relationships with local libraries, playgroups, nurseries, leisure centres and more. Whilst you will be using our design templates and streamlined process to create your magazine, as the owner and editor you direct the content, bringing your personality and style to each issue. You can see this in action in the magazines our franchisees produce so be sure to read some. (Don’t worry if designing your magazine does not appeal. You can outsource this to one of our bank of tried and trusted designers). You edit your magazine contributing local information, listings of activities and events, feature pages, local adverts, money off vouchers, competitions, quizzes, and special offers from your advertisers. It is a creative and enjoyable process. And you are never alone, especially when producing your first few magazines when you’ll appreciate the comfort of experienced heads close by. Our franchisees find that many local businesses want an ongoing presence in their magazines. They tend to buy packages. This enables a business to have for example an advert in one magazine, an article in the next, a voucher or a competition in another and so on. Businesses like being featured in a targeted magazine with their content read by more of the people they want to reach. If the experience of our franchisees is anything to go by, we are confident that if Raring2go! appeals to you then you’ll love producing your magazine, talking about it to local businesses and inspiring them with your ideas on how best to promote themselves within its pages. And you will be supported every step of the way. The Raring2go! Digital proposition The beauty of Raring2go! is that you can offer local businesses enhanced advertising opportunities, giving you additional revenues and your customers more opportunities to reach and connect with potential new customers. This includes: Monthly e-newsletters delivered to the inbox of signed up members in your area. These can be exclusive e-Newsletters or shared with other non-competing businesses. An online feature pageThis gives a business the opportunity to have an in-depth feature with images plus their video with links to social channels and their website. Fantastic promotion and a very popular service. Banner advertising opportunities which can be on one page of your local Raring2go! website or many pages. For example, a ballet class advertiser might prefer their banner advert to feature on the clubs and classes features’ home page. But they could also appear on all pages. Listing in our local ‘What’s On’ pages online where again multimedia and interactive content can be included. ‘You will be fully trained and will be supported by our franchisee network too.’ Exploring the Raring2go! opportunity