Raring2go! Prospectus 2022

The ten minute interview with Victoria Withy – franchisee and editor of Raring2go! Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. Victoria was interviewed by the international bestselling marketing author, Dee Blick. What do you enjoy the most in your business? I enjoy helping connect families and businesses – that is really good! I also really enjoy helping new businesses and seeing them succeed – especially women. How have you grown your business? I have been running R2G! since 2007 – 13 years in June 2020. It has grown hugely to 33000 copies per quarter over the years with 100,000 readers. I also have a small team of freelancers (all working mothers) who have portfolio careers like mine – currently a salesperson, designer and admin plus a lovely couple who distribute the 33k magazines to over 300 drop points each quarter. What support do you receive from your franchisor? It is a big family. I am a member of the Franchise Council Forum. We work with Freddie and Trish to guide, develop and support our fellow franchisees. We usually have a quarterly FCF meeting and monthly Editor meetings but during the pandemic both have been weekly as things have been so fluid and support has been needed by all. Can you share a few wow moments in your business? Getting to 1 million copies was something of a WOW moment – as was reaching our 10-year anniversary. Our second Awards were also great – (in 2018) and the 2019 ones were fun too (but not as good as the 2018 ones!) What are your plans for the future? With Raring2go! Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire now in its teens and my daughter also in her teens I am looking to pass on the reins to another editor with young children to take it to the next level. ‘I have been running R2G! since 2007 - 13 years in June 2020. It has grown hugely to 33,000 copies per quarter over the years with 100,000 readers.’ An interview with Victoria Withy of Raring2go! Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire 7 Victoria, Raring2go! Aberdeen