Raring2go! Prospectus 2022

Our green credentials make us really stand out 9 Raring2go! magazines are printed by our long term print partners Gemini Print Group. They are the top scoring European winners of the prestigious GREEN LEAF Award. Your Raring2go! magazine gains from Gemini’s commitment and unique focus on environmental standards including: • International accreditations • supporting sustainable forests • sourcing carbon neutral or positive paper • vegan certified printing inks • immaculate records of zero ethical violations • strct energy control processes • water usage reduction programmes • process free printing plates and 100% recycling Raring2go! works closely with Gemini Print and we are delighted to underline our combined commitment to the environment. Print and Paper have a great environmental story to tell! The paper industry depends on, and promotes, sustainable forest management to provide a reliable supply of wood fibre, the key raw material for its products. Well-managed forests bring multiple benefits for society, such as livelihoods, ecosystem services and biodiversity. European forests, from where the region’s paper mills source over 90% of their wood fibre, have been growing by an area equivalent to 1,500 football pitches every day. Over 70% of this forest area is certified to FSC or PEFC standards, thanks in part to the support of the print and paper industry. Forest products such as paper create an incentive for sustainable forest management. Cellulose fibre is the primary raw material for papermaking. Of the fibre used by the European pulp and paper industry, 46% comes from wood pulp and 54% from paper for recycling. Wood is the dominant source because of its renewable and recyclable nature, technical properties, relative low cost and all-year-round availability. Forest stewardship, which is motivated by a commercial interest in maintaining wood supply, can really help protect vulnerable forests from illegal logging, encroachment or conversion to large scale commercial farmland. Well managed forests bring multiple benefits for society. Forests directly affect the livelihoods of 20% of the global population and often have recreational and cultural importance too. They provide products and renewable energy as well as natural carbon capture and storage and other ecosystem services such as controlling floods and droughts, reducing erosion risks and protecting watersheds that are a source of our water. Forests are also home to 80% of terrestrial biodiversity. As part of well-planned landscapes, managed forests play a key role in reducing pressures on natural forests and make a meaningful contribution to conserving biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being. European Forests have been growing by over 1,500 football pitches every day. Between 2005 and 2015, European forests grew by 44,160km2 - that’s an area larger than Switzerland and equivalent to over 1,500 football pitches of forest growth every day. This has been due to afforestation (e.g. planting and seedling of trees on land that was not previously forested) and through natural expansion of forests such as on abandoned land. Forest area amounts to 215 million hectares in Europe, accounting for 33% of total land area, and other wooded lands cover an additional area of 36 million hectares. In comparison to other regions in the world, only South America has a higher percentage of forest cover (49%) than Europe. Steve Cropper, MD of Gemini Print ‘They are the top scoring European winners of the prestigious GREEN LEAF Award.’