Raring2go! Kidderminster & Stourbridge

PARTIES Whitlenge Garden room hire www.whitlenge.co.uk/ room-hire Arley Arboretum Kids picnic parties www.arleyarboretum.co.uk/ arley-kids/parties Fancy planning a different kind of birthday party for your child this year? Here is a Raring2go! round-up of party suggestions!... Bernard Moseley Dinosaur or Character hire www.facebook.com/ bernardmoseleykidzentertainment The World Outside Forest parties www.theworldoutside.co.uk/ woodland-party Little Owl Farm Party room hire www.littleowlfarmpark.co.uk/ party-room-hire Anchors Away Soft play parties www.anchorsawaysoftplay.co.uk /about Aztec Island Golf Birthday parties www.aztecisland.co.uk Funtime Theatre Character hire & Panto parties www.funtimetheatre.co.uk/ parties The Listening Herd Party with the Ponies www.thelisteningherd.org Lower Drayton Farm Birthday party experience https://playatthefarm.co.uk /party West Midlands Safari Park Party room hire www.wmsp.co.uk/plan/ venue-hire Visit our website for more ideas and more info Molineux Stadium Party with the Pack www.wolves.co.uk/fans/ birthday-celebrations Dudley Zoo Room hire www.dudleyzoo.org.uk/ party-room-hire 4