Raring2go! Maidstone

5 Raring2go! WHAT’S ON 20th National Cheese Lovers Day- A cheesy day for all you cheese lovers out there! 25th Burns Night- A celebration of the life and poetry of the poet Robert Burns, the author of many Scots poems. The suppers are normally held on or near the poet’s birthday, 25 January. 27th National Chocolate Cake Day - We all love Chocolate Cake am I right? Need a chocolate cake recipe visit here, raring2go.co.uk or want to learn what other National Chocolate Days there are, visit here… www.chocolatier.co.uk FEBRUARY 4th British Yorkshire Pudding Day- who’s recipe is best? Mums, Grandmas or Chef James Martin… The answer is they all are, enjoy the celebration of the great old Yorkshire Pud! 13th Pancake Day- One of the nation’s favourite traditions making pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. If you need a recipe visit https://raring2go.co.uk/ activities/basic-pancakespancake-day/. 17th Radom Acts of Kindness day - Well this is just a day, we should all be kind every day of the year. Visit an elderly neighbour, donate to charity, post positive messages, whatever it is be kind… 17th Real Bread Week- you can’t beat home made bread and to celebrate Real Bread Week, why not try your own. For a great bread recipe, visit raring2go.co.uk.