Raring2go! Milton Keynes

Nurturing Responsible Riders: Bike Riding Safety on Roads for Children Under 12 Bicycle safety for children under the age of 12 is vital, especially concerning ‘bike riding safety on roads’. Ensuring the well-being of young cyclists goes far beyond riding for fun. It is about instilling in them lifelong habits and preventing accidents. Helmet Habits: Emphasise the importance of wearing helmets. Ensure they fit snugly and are worn every time they venture out on their bike. Road Awareness: Teach children to be road-conscious. Look left, right and left again before moving. Being aware of their surrounding will help them stay safe. Visibility Matters: Make sure bicycles have reflectors and bright colours. Being visible to drivers reduces the risk of accidents, especially during low-light conditions. Hand Signals: Educate children on basic signals for turning and stopping. Being clear in their communication will enhances overall road safety for cyclists. Supervised Routes: Encourage riding in supervised areas to begin with before introducing them to low-traffic areas. This will help build confidence in riding in different environments. Obey Traffic Rules: Teach children to stop at lights, follow traffic signs and give way when necessary. Instilling these basic habits ensures responsible road behaviour. Two-Wheel Maintenance: Regularly check and maintain bicycles. Ensure brakes, tyres, and chains are in good condition for a safe and smooth ride. Avoid Distractions: Discourage the use of gadgets while they ride. Distractions can compromise concentration and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents. Buddy System: Encourage riding with a friend or in groups. The buddy system is easy and enhances overall safety on the roads. Emergency Preparedness: Teach basic emergency procedures such as what to do if they fall or encounter a potential hazard. Being prepared is key when facing unexpected situations. When we prioritise ‘bike riding safety’ on the roads for our children under 12 we are laying the foundations for responsible, confident cyclists. By instilling the basic safety measures from an early age, parents ensure that their young riders can enjoy all of the the benefits of cycling while navigating roads and traffic responsibly and safely. Raring2go! FEATURE 18 raring2go.co.uk