Raring2go! Northumberland

Raring2go! Returning to your job after maternity leave or once your children are at school can seem daunting, but it needn’t be. Take some simple steps to regain your confidence in the workplace. STARTING FROM SCRATCH If your employer has kept your job open for you, then you’re entitled to some catch-up days when you will return to keep an eye on how things have been without you. That’s also an opportunity to getcolleagues to fill you in on any gossip or changesthat may affect you. But if this is your first step back into the world of 9-5 for years then no wonder you’re nervous. Relax... GET POSITIVE Don’t imagine that just because it seems all you’ve been doing for years is washing, pushing a buggy and singing The Wheels On The Bus that you are unemployable. Boost your confidence by listing all the skills you used to have, and those you have nowadays. Persuaded a picky child to eat a vegetable? That’s negotiation. Helped out at the school fair? Events organising and teamwork. Raising money in a local pub raffle? That’s sales and marketing. Transfer your talent of problem solving and being creative (keeping siblings happy) into an employment environment and you’re probably more skilled than you first thought. With that in mind, brush up your CV or create one now that reflects the person you are now, not the person you were. If you can’t remember what it’s like to be on your feet all day or sitting at a desk, then practise. Charities, schools, libraries, hospitals and many other organisations are desperate for volunteers. You can meet the public, enjoy adult company and see how you get on. IN THE HOT SEAT Wherever you work, little things may be different – even the way the tea run is done. There could be members of staff you’ve never met, different systems of storing or processing information. Take a moment to learn the new ways and don’t fall into the trap of saying ‘That’s not how it should be’. But nor should you beat yourself up if you don’t pick up all the changes the first time. LOOK AFTER YOURSELF Keep in mind there are many working mums already out there who share your feelings – guilt at leaving their baby, guilt at being delighted they’ve got the chance to leave their baby (!), people existing on little sleep, worried they’re wearing odd socks, or aren’t coping. Invest in a slow cooker or frozen pizza if you’re too tired to make hot meals in the evening. Book yourself time off during the working day or at the weekend so you can look and feel your best – a pedicure, a haircut, meeting a friend for coffee. If you can afford it, get a cleaner. And don’t fall into the trap of buying your child’s affection at the weekends with expensive gifts – your precious time is enough. GETTING BACK to work 25