Raring2go! St Albans

3 Did you know... ...Only 7% of the population say that winter is their favourite month! I ’ m open to persuasion though (as one of the other 93%) because when it ’ s cold outside, your body needs more energy to keep going, hence the need for these fabulous winter warmer chocolate stirrers! And we don ’ t stop there, we have loads of great wintery meal ideas and treats to share. PLUS, inside we have crafting fun, FREE family activity ideas, puzzles, quizzes, quiet things to do and even some gardening suggestions. You ’ ll also find all the latest events and activities in and around St Albans and Harpenden and we have dedicated a whole page to all the local places to meet Santa! We are so excited that celebrations are back on again this year and as I write this in mid November, the festive adverts have started and it ’ s almost time to get wrapping and put up our decorations! We always start early in our house, so as you read this we will be in full holiday mode. Finally—join our Santa hunt! We have three delicious selection boxes to give away to the lucky winners, who can tell us how many Santa ’ s hats are hidden in this magazine! Tell us your answers at raring2go.co.uk/stalbans/ competitions. So get counting, have a lovely winter and see you in 2022! Claire x