Raring2go! Tameside

1) Get yourself ready fi rst, before your child. It’s helpful to prepare some things the night before and go to bed at a reasonable hour so you’ll all wake early enough. Late nights are a sure fi re way to make the mornings more stressful for everyone. 2) Don’t turn on the TV before breakfast. Its far better to make sure the children are dressed before they eat and then perhaps when they’re fully ready you can turn the television on. 3) Let your child know ahead of time that you’ll be going out. Explain exactly what the day’s activities will be and tell them clearly what their time requirements are. 4) Help younger children learn the importance of being organised. Encourage them to do things for themselves. For example, teaching children to get dressed by themselves is chance to practice independent skills and it will save you time in the long run! 5) Turn getting ready into a game! For example, you could try the “beat the clock” game. The idea is that your child’s goal is to be ready before the alarm clock buzzes. If you child wins he/she earns a small treat or reward such as a favourite snack in their lunch box. It’s important to tell your child exactly what tasks they must do in order to be ready to leave and thus win the reward. Back to school... Unfortunately the holidays cant last forever. Here’s a few tips to help with the start of a new school year: 32 raring2go.co.uk Raring2go! Looking for a new challenge? Tired of working for someone else? Ready to be your own boss? We are looking for the next editor of Raring2go! Tameside ... could it be you?