Raring2go! Teesside

24 raring2go.co.uk 25 Raring2go! PUZZLE Raring2go! QUIZ Picnic in the Park: Pack a delicious picnic and head to a nearby park. Enjoy the fresh spring air, play some outdoor games like frisbee or badminton, and relax on a blanket surrounded by nature. Bike Ride Adventure: Explore local bike trails or ride through your neighbourhood together. Spring is the perfect time to enjoy the budding flowers and greenery while getting some exercise as a family. DIY Bird Feeders: Make simple bird feeders using pinecones, peanut butter, and birdseed. Hang them in your back garden or a nearby park, and watch as birds come to enjoy the tasty treats. Nature Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items to find in nature, such as specific flowers, leaves, or even certain types of insects. Go on a scavenger hunt as a family and see who can find everything on the list first. Plant a Family Garden: Start a small garden together with flowers, herbs or vegetables. It's a great way to teach children about nature and responsibility while enjoying the process of watching plants blossom and grow. Pavement Chalk Art: Head to your driveway or a local park with colourful pavement chalk. Encourage creativity and create vibrant spring-themed artwork on the pavement. Make sure you take a selfie before a spring rain shower washes your creation away! Fly a Kite: Take advantage of the spring winds and fly a kite in an open field. It's a simple yet enjoyable activity for the whole family. It’s still one of those things that makes us stare in wonder! Go on a Nature Walk: Take a leisurely stroll through a nature reserve or on a hiking trail. Bring a guidebook to identify different plants and animals and take the time to appreciate the beauty of the changing season. Spring is such a lovely time to be outdoors so make the most of it! Outdoor Movie Night: Set up a makeshift outdoor cinema in your back garden. Use a projector and a white sheet, and enjoy a family movie night under the stars. Don't forget the popcorn! Outdoor Yoga or Exercise Session: Find a peaceful spot in a park or your back garden and practice yoga as a family. Alternatively, engage in a fun and energetic outdoor exercise session, such as a family friendly workout or a game of ultimate frisbee. 10 fun things to do as a family this Spring