Raring2go! Wandsworth

raring2go.co.uk Raring2go! There’s lots to look forward to at Battersea Park Children’s Zoo this spring. Meet our amazing animals, listen to our many keeper talk feeding sessions and have fun in our adventure play areas with life-sized vehicles, sandpit and climbing equipment. Enjoy our Easter trail with fun activities. Plus, join us this May half term for a festival of celebration as we celebrate our 20th anniversary! Discover our history, and be a part of our future. Battersea Park Children’s Zoo Battersea Park London SW11 4NJ T: 020 7924 5826 The most loveable family zoo in London www.batterseaparkzoo.co.uk Follow us! OPEN DAILY except 25th & 26th December 20 NationalPetM onth NationalPetM onth iscelebrated everyApril,bringing pet loverstogetherto prom ote responsible pet ownership and the benefitsofhaving pets.It’sa tim e to appreciate the joyand com panionship petsbring to ourlives while raising awarenessoftheirwelfare.Thism onth encouragespetownersto focuson theirpets’health, happiness,and wel-being. Charities,veterinaryclinics,and pet-related organisations hosteventsto educate the publicon properpetcare and the im portance ofadopting from shelters.It’salso a chance to supportpetcharitiesand highlightthe positive im pactpets have on m entalhealth.W hetheryou have a dog,cat,rabbit, orsom ething m ore exotic,NationalPetM onth isthe perfect opportunityto celebrate the unconditionallove ourpetsprovide and ensure theylive their bestlives. Rem em ber— happypetsm akehappyowners! 8