Raring2go! Warrington

Create a weekly Meal planner This will help you easily manage your family outgoings, and also make meal times easier to prepare for. Make a weekly shopping list This will save you money, and ensure that no unlisted items are purchased, so you should have hardly any waste. Easy no? Be aware of the dates on your fresh items Be smart when you are shopping by always checking the use by dates. Simply check the produce at the back of the shelves/ fridges in the supermarket as they will always place the nearest dates to the front. First in, first out Prioritise your meal planner to match with the expiry dates of the produce. Freeze the items that are close to the expiry date To make sure you don’t waste any items that are close to going off, why not freeze them until you are ready to use? Measure your portions and make double If you measure out per person, you will probably find you’ll have more produce left over. So why not make more than you need, to create the same meal for the following week. Freeze your left overs Never throw anything away that can be used for another meal.Whether it be for lunch, dinner or just a snack, it really is worth keeping it in the freezer for another time. Create a tasty snack Veg that is close to its ‘eat by’ date will make a delicious and tasty soup. Leftover fruit is great for making a smoothie. Make saving waste fun Incentivise your children to eat all of their meals- maybe have a wallchart with stars, and at the end of the week, they get a treat. Keep track of what’s in your cupboard and what’s in your freezer Make a note of what you haven’t used, or have sitting in your cupboard so you don’t buy the same thing next time. We’re feeling pretty smug as already we are achieving our goal. So, here’s wishing you every success in saving your money, cutting food waste and helping the environment! Every year we throw away tonnes of food and drink from our homes which is a waste of money and harms the environment. We’re on a mission at Raring2go! to save money and reduce household waste so here are our top tips to improve our impact on the environment... Cutting food waste! 24 raring2go.co.uk Raring2go!