Raring2go! Warrington

6 raring2go.co.uk Show Time What’s On WHAT’S ON AND WHERE TO GO - THEATRE Raring2go! Here are some of our favourites. family-friendly shows at our local theatres and concert halls. Little W 8th to 23r Little Red, HOME Mcr 29th November to 6th December At this time of year there are always lots of lovely, omen, HOME Mcr d December four daughters: Meg, Jo, mother the Mar tragedy into the story of drama, r classic weaves humour Alcott’ adaptation of Louisa May This enchanting theatrical . But the ol the weather Snow Queen who is supposed At the top of the world lives the Waterside, Sale esents THE SNOW QUEEN, Wrongsemble pr 29th November to 30th December --------------------------------------------------------- ed/ .org/production/little-r https://homemcr . along the way ´|aaœV X8ŒOŒt ¼±aa´ 8ŒX 8 „8ÍÍ~´ŒtŒt 3†na s house, meeting talking the path to Grandma’ oine Little Red, as she follows Join our feisty her FRI 8 DEC - SA “An atmospheric return to an American classic” Book now homemcr “Refreshes the classic tale” - The Stage .org/production/little- https://homemcr survive during the American Civil W Beth, and Amy as they struggle to , Marmee, and her ch family – a loving omance, and , s heart-warming , omen, HOME Mcr, Little Women, HOME Mcr ++++ +++ FRI 8 DEC - SAT 23 DEC 2023 + .org - The Telegraph oduction/littlear. Can a handsome Prince br a cruel curse and for enchanted spinning wheel, she is placed under i 8 FÊ | (±Œ Once upon a time in a land far away The Lightbulb Princess is a delightful new show The Lightbulb Princess, Z-Arts, Hulme 2nd December --------------------------------------------------------- g/thesnowqueen www.watersidearts.or . e for the whole family adventur eimagined in an exciting The Snow Queen is r e-telling of This vibrant musical r t snowed for years.... hasn’ . And it world is getting warmer en’t behaving. The seasons ar to contr eak the spell? Who ced to sleep for 100 years. 8±8F´´ak ʜ±O Œt|a±nŒta± |a±adž8ÁŒ¼¶¼|aÈO aX ŒO|8Œ¼± Oa´´ ´ tÇaŒ 8 ¼ÈaŒ¼Ê~n±´¼ F±¼|X , a beautiful Playhouse, Altrincham , Altrincham Garrick Sleeping Beauty, Altrincham Garrick 8th December to 2nd January ------------------------------------------- women/ Œ 8Œ ±a´´ 8Ê œ±a´aŒ¼ This fabulous live music event will featur yourselves and ALL magical Lapland cr You’r T’was the Gig Befor 9th December --------------------------------------------------------- beauty-the-garrick-pantomime/ www adventur ¼n wicked plans? W will outwit the evil Enchantr the splishy splashy river and the thick oozy ough the gigantic swishy swashy grass, wade thr ‰Á´O8† Xt Œ 8 ¦Áa´¼ ¼ nŒX 8 Fa8±¶ 8´ ¼|aÊ ers and their epid family of adventur Join our intr Salford , We're Going on a Bear Hunt, The Lowry, 7th December to 7th January --------------------------------------------------------- z-arts/ g/events/the-lightbulb-princess- www.z-arts.or and up. full of sparkle and song, for everyone aged 4 e es. eatur , for elves, et party ou’re invited to our secr e Christmas, Z-Arts www.altrinchamgarrick.co.uk/shows/sleepinge! nŒX Á¼k Œ Á´ m± 8Œ¼|a± (8Œ¼‰‰a e’s only one way ell… ther ess and foil her christmas/ www Ssshh, don’ laughter and spr stories thr -hunt/ a-bear e-going-on- .com/whats-on/wer https://thelowry . along the way e and a few surprises scenes, plenty of adventur squelchy mud! Expect catchy songs, interactive , e- g/events/twas-the-gig-befor www.z-arts.or t tell Santa! eading plenty of festive spirit. ough song, dancing and prancing with