Raring2go! Watford

1 Buy plenty of eggs so each child can have their fair share, mini eggs are best. It sounds obvious but use wrapped chocolate! 2 Agree the rules to avoid tears! Are you going to colour code eggs so everyone can only collect their own ones or will you share out evenly at the end? 3 Make the hunt age appropriate; toddlers won’t tolerate it taking too long. 4 Use markers pointing to where eggs may be found for little ones and maybe make a treasure hunt with clues for older children. 5 Do the egg hunt after breakfast, or lunch, so eating chocolate won’t spoil their meal! Agree the rules for eating the eggs in advance. 10 Top Tips for a stress free egg hunt this Easter 6 Use alternatives to chocolate if you want to avoid sugar overload such as tiny toys (save up Kinder surprise cases to put them in or buy plastic egg cases) or use decorated eggs. 7 Don’t make it too hard or you can be out all day. Make sure everyone knows the ground rules like everything is hidden in the back garden and there is no need to climb to find the eggs. 8 Count the eggs before you put them out so you know how many need retrieving! 9 Remember baskets, or bowls, for everyone to collect the eggs in. It can be a craft project in the days before to decorate them. 10 If the weather looks bad have a Plan B for indoors- it can be just as much fun! n 28 raring2go.co.uk Raring2go! EGG HUNT