Raring2go! Wolverhampton

EASTER HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES AT WOLVERHAMPTON ART GALLERY CERAMIC PAINTING SATURDAY 9 – SUNDAY 24 APRIL Pick up a ceramic painting kit that includes everything you need - a brush, paint, ceramic model and simple instructions. Choose from a selection of animals to decorate and take home! Suitable for ages 4-16 years old. £4 per child, drop in. SOUND AND LIGHT PARTY SATURDAY 9 APRIL - 11AM-3PM Delve into some experimental, family friendly arts activities for this event marking the closing weekend of British Arts Show 9 – paint and draw with sound and light and explore artificial intelligence in art. Suitable for ages 4 to 16. £4 per child, book in advance. www.wolverhamptonart.org.uk/familyfriendly-activities/ WOLVERHAMPTON ARTS & CULTURE ART PLAY TODDLER TAKEOVER DAYS SUNDAY 10 APRIL AND TUESDAY 3MAY 11AM-3PM Creative, sensory play for babies and toddlers, inspired by the exhibitions with hands-on activities to make, build, explore and play. Suitablefor ages0 to7yearsold. £3per child, book in advance. www.wolverhamptonart.org.uk/family-friendlyactivities/ DROP IN ANDMAKE – PAINTED EGG CUP ORWEAVING MONDAY 11 & TUESDAY 12 APRIL Drop in throughout the days and decorate a ceramic egg cup or make a God's eye weaving. Suitable for all ages. £2 per person, drop in. Visit Wolverhampton’s brilliant family-friendly venue to discover more arts and culture than you can shake a wet paintbrush at! Photo Joao Bueno Photo Sam Mace