5Easter hunts and trails Whether you are planning an Easter Egg Hunt at home or looking to visit an organised event, chocolate-y fun is definitely on the cards at the time of year. There are lots of Easter Hunts and trails planned around our area. One of our favourites is at West Midlands Safari Park. You can join the egg hunts as well as meet Bramble Bunny and enjoy a range of themed activities for the whole family. 2Discover the history all around us A romp around outdoors with an educational twist has got to be a win-win! This is where our historical attractions come into their own. Explore the Black Country Living Museum's 29-acre site visiting reconstructed shops, houses and industrial areas. Take a ride on the Severn Valley Railway and hop-off at Arley for a walk down to the riverside and Arley Arboretum or Highley Station and walk to Severn Valley Country Park. 3Embrace the technology Do you find it a struggle to drag your kids away from their screens sometimes? They might be tempted to try geocaching. Download the app to your phone and seek out locations in your area. Take it in turns to be responsible for following the compass and see where it leads you. 4All weather fun Let’s face it – sometimes the British weather doesn’t live up to our expectations! That doesn’t mean that you can’t get outdoors though. Pull on your wellies and explore. Sometimes a bit of mud can add to the fun and make the whole experience more memorable. Follow the Enville Estate and the Sheepwalks route (directions online) with the the incentive of a café at the end. Archie's Attic Coffee & Gift Shop welcomes muddy boots, cyclists and dogs. 1Back to nature We are lucky to live in an area of the country where the countryside is always just a stones-throw away. As the weather warms up and the trees and plants spring into life there is a world of colour to explore. In May you could head to one of our local woodlands for a bluebell walk. Northycote Farm has swathes of beautiful English bluebells (follow the Old Cottage trail) or book tickets for a 1.5 hour guided bluebell walk on 11 May at Chillington Hall followed by hot drinks and biscuits on the sun terrace. 6Animal Magic Spring is the perfect season to get acquainted with some new animal friends. The Lambs & Ewe event at Lower Drayton Farm allows you to get close to lambs and ewes in the lambing barn and learn lots of facts on a sheep-y knowledge trail while exploring this 750-acre working farm. Step into Springtime 6 ways to get your tribe out and about enjoying the fresh air this Spring Raring2go! WHAT’S ON? Raring2go! WHAT’S ON? 16 raring2go.co.uk 17