Raring2go! Worthing

Raring2go! 21 www.raring2go.co.uk/worthing Give your child a head start at Lancing Prep Worthing Our Nursery is an integral part of the Lancing Prep Worthing School family. As the youngest members of this family, we believe it is our role to build the foundations that will enable every child to succeed. Our Nursery is situated inside a Georgian manor home on a 2-acre plot of land in the Broadwater area of Worthing. Children are taught by highly qualified Early Years practitioners, and we use the EYFS areas of learning as the basis for our curriculum.We are committed to play-based, active learning and ensure all areas of learning receive a balance of adult-supported and child-initiated activities both indoors and outdoors.We also benefit from shared facilities, including the music classrooms, drama studio, playing field, library, main hall, and gym.We draw upon school resources, such as specialist teaching in PE, music, and yoga; our pre-school children have swimming taught by specialist practitioners. We offer wraparound care during the term from 8am and after-school care until 6pm. Outside of term time, we offer holiday clubs for children from the age of two.We ensure that delicious and healthy home cooked food options are readily available at lunch and snack time. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to attend our Open Morning on Saturday 5 October or to arrange a personal visit to discover what Lancing Prep Worthing can offer your child.