Raring2go! Altrincham & Sale

Raring2go! BACK TO SCHOOL 5 Thank you so much to everyone who entered! Here are a few more of the amazing entries we received... Back to school packed lunch and snack ideas! If your kids are already tired of sandwiches in their packed lunch boxes or you're looking for inspiration for the never ending after-school snack attacks then read on... Packed Lunch ideas Pitta bread and dips Tortilla wraps with their favourite filling Popcorn Pretzels Cherry tomatoes, carrots or cucumber sticks Individual cheeses (ie Babybel, Dairylea) Omelette Cheese and crackers Sausage rolls Falafel Hot food ideas (in a flask) Soup Hot dogs Mini pizza or mini quiche Pasta or cous cous mixed with vegetables chicken skewers Noodles Healthy(ish) after school snacks Raisins Breadsticks Rice cakes Savoury mini muffins Brioche or croissants Scotch pancakes Cereal Make sure you check your school's policy too!