Raring2go! Gulidford & Surrounding Areas

Summer holidays are close, and naturally some of the down time is spent using devices that can access the internet, to play an educational game, or do some art or creative fun on them. However, Ofcom states that 59% of 5-7 year olds, and 50% of 3-4 year olds use apps that allow messaging. Even more 7+ year olds do so too. Here are Seren Kids Top tips for E-safety in the home: Parental Controls and apps Set a kids mode, control their device use time and apps/sites through creating a child’s account via google or apple and link it to your parent account. The great thing is they can make requests through their device and you can allow or reject from your own device app. This is handy if they are using their device at a friend’s house for example! Even PlayStation, Nintendo and Xbox allow you to have parental control apps now too! Immerse yourself in your child’s tech activities Enjoy time with your child on their games and devices. You will get to understand their online experiences. They are also more likely to tell you about new updates and trends on the games/apps they use. With online trends constantly evolving and changing, it is so important to keep up to date, as there are some dangerous ones that have caused injury/harm. Secret behaviour can be one of the online risks; set a culture and environment where children feel they can talk about their online life with you and come to you with problems free from judgement. Talk about E-safety and draw up a Family Agreement Very simple but effective. Sit around the dinner table and get E-safety ideas from your children and have some input yourself. Draw them into a family E-safety agreement. Children having input will make them feel more responsible and interested in following their own important E-safety rules. Staying Safe Online Device Schedules Games and apps are designed to be addictive. Create a visual device schedule in partnership with your child and explain to children the importance of taking breaks from screens. Remembering to use the schedule can be difficult for a child at first, so use prompts by like “Where are we on the device schedule?” This will help them to recognise and make the decision to take their screen break for outdoor / lunch /other activities independently. Seren Kids Super Camps cover E-safety through a variety of fun mediums such as filming, podcasting and more. The foundation of Seren Kids is built upon teaching children important digital skills and E-safety for a bright and safe digital future. This includes plenty of sports and having outdoor time! To book your child onto one of our exciting innovative camps go to: www.serenkids.com/holiday-camps. You can also find us on social media with the name “SerenKids” or “TheSerenKids” too! Raring2go! ONLINE SAFETY 40 Sports (cricket, football tennis) & More hannah@serenkids.com www.serenkids.com 17th Jul - 21st Jul 24th Jul - 28th Jul 31st Jul - 4th Aug 7th Aug - 11th Aug E-safety SEREN SUPER Activities Gardening & Art Podcasting Robotics & Coding Dates: Standard Day 9-4pm (extended day options on booking) CAMPS Prices From: £40 per day £175 full week Book: Location RYDES HILL PREPARATORY SCHOOL, ALDERSHOT ROAD, GUILDFORD Filming & Editing We accept Childcare vouchers, tax free childcare and tax credits/universal credit eligible If you book by 4th July: Free Nutritious cooked meals Free Fruit and Veg Snacks