Raring2go! Portsmouth & Fareham

Raring2go! Raring2go! 24 raring2go.co.uk 25 According to the book by Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying, a room does not get messy by itself. You, the person who lives in it, makes the mess, so the saying goes, ‘a messy room equals a messy mind’. She also says that tidying is just a tool, not the final destination. Rather the true goal would be to visualise the lifestyle you want most, after your house has been put in order. So if you get into the right headspace to tackle the clutter and reorganise, it could be the perfect reset button to new habits and your desired home. Use the Four-Box Method Get four boxes and label them: trash, give away, keep, or re-locate. Enter any room in your home and place each item into one of the following boxes. Don’t skip a single item. This will help you see how many items you really own and you’ll know exactly what to do with each item. Fold, don’t Hang Marie Kondo states that more can be fitted into a draw than hanging in the cupboard. So neatly fold up the t-shirts and give your other clothes more breathing room. Let the kids get folding, as the sooner they start the better! Try it on How many years have you had that top or trousers that looks lovely when you hold it up, but which you haven’t worn or tried on for years? Don’t assume that it will still look great on. Try it and you may decide that really its not your style anymore and needs a new owner. MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT SUN Make your bed Have breakfast Brush your teeth Get dressed 20 minutes of reading 20 minutes of colouring or writing Daily chore Play outside for 30 minutes Make something creative with Lego/craft No electronic devices until you do the following... Host a Clothing Swop party Have a party with friends and family and swop clothes that you no longer wear. These are not clothes that are worn out, but clothes that you don’t feel comfortable in any longer and maybe perfect for someone else. Everyone brings an agreed amount of clothing and accessories to the event. All of the items are fair game, so you can trade, barter, and donate clothes to your friends while sprucing up your own wardrobe. Spring Clear-out